Every single set of requirements is different when it comes to the amount of energy that a household uses. These solar energy systems are customized to meet the requirements of your property, which are established by the amount of money you wish to save, in addition to the suggestions made by our team of solar home specialists. To assist you in getting a better grasp of the cost, we do offer free quotes that come with no strings attached.
Solar energy was once a costly form of energy, but thanks to recent developments in technology and the expansion of the industry, as well as incentives offered by state and federal governments and creative financing programs, it is not only a much more affordable form of energy option, but it also pays for itself through savings.
As solar energy costs continue to drop, the do-it-yourself solar trend is quickly becoming obsolete. Homeowners are opting to hire professionals to handle the task because it provides them with peace of mind knowing that they have experienced installers working on their roof and production and power guarantees.
It is not necessary for there to be direct sunlight on your panels in order for them to generate electricity. Cloudy or overcast conditions will decrease the output of your panels, but you should still expect them to generate some power. Because of the angle that the sun is in during the winter months, the amount of power that can be generated each day is comparable to or even exceeds that of the summer months. Solar panels are able to operate reliably in a wide variety of climatic environments. Solar panels are constructed to withstand lightning strikes and hail, measuring one inch in diameter and traveling at 55 miles per hour.
Simple. We take into consideration the structure of your roof, the amount of shade provided by trees, the amount of electricity you currently use in your home or business, and the savings goals you have. After collecting all of this information, our sales consultants will be able to provide you with a free estimate as well as a preliminary drawing of the panels that will be installed at your home or place of business. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible!
Certainly! Because of the advantages of net metering, many of our customers have enjoyed an electric bill of zero dollars ($0) for many years. On the other hand, most households and businesses can cut their annual energy costs by between 25 and 50 percent on average. Solar energy potentially saves you a significant amount of money over the next 20 years, in addition to protecting you from the effects of steadily increasing energy prices.